Hot & Cold Plunge Pools
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Contrast water therapy is a treatment including vasodilation and vasoconstriction caused by exposure to hot and cold water. Overall, this treatment results in increasing local blood circulation. The lymph vessels contract when exposed to cold, and relax in response to heat. By alternating hot and cold, the lymph vessels dilate and contract to essentially “pump” and move stagnant fluid out of the injured area, commonly called lymphatic drainage. This process has a positive impact on the body's inflammation process, which is one of the body’s primary mechanisms for healing damaged tissue.

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An infrared sauna produces the same infrared heat produced by the sun. The radiant heat from the infrared sauna surrounds you and penetrates deeply into your joints, muscles and tissues increasing oxygen flow and circulation.
Using a sauna helps to remove impurities from your cells, specifically the cells inside our fat where our body stores waste and harmful toxins.
Hydrotherapy spas are great at improving blood flow and reducing aches and pains. Our spa also helps to relax, unwind and reduce stress.

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Similar to using a treadmill for running, there are a long list of benefits when it comes to using an endless pool. These sessions give you an effective workout that strengthens your stroke and helps improve efficiency in the water. Swim coaches are also able to make sure of our window viewing area to analyse underwater stroke efficiency.
hydrotherapy pool

Stretch, Massage Guns & General Recovery
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Massage guns are great at releasing lactic acid trapped in tired, sore muscles. The vibration delivered deep into your muscles creates a percussive therapy improving circulation, countering muscle spasms, improving range of motion, and realigning damaged muscle fibers.
Trigger balls allow you to provide targeted pressure to a muscle and can release tension in sore muscles. This can aid injury management but also be a useful tool to loosen muscles that are just tight from day-to-day life.

Electrode Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
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The biotechnology in every PainPod® combines frequency treatment formulations with advanced waveforms and physical therapy medical technology that is used by doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors and sports trainers to assist in the rehabilitation and recovery of sports and other related injuries.
The risk of muscle atrophy (muscle wasting) while in recovery, caused by not using the muscles for an extended period of time, can be greatly reduced using the strength and conditioning feature of the PainPod. Surgery patients, injured athletes and new mothers get back to full fitness and mobility much more quickly because it not only speeds recovery and rehabilitation but also maintains muscle strength and conditioning during periods of limited use.

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Air Relax Compression technology gives athletes the competitive edge! The Air Relax Compression System is designed to help athletes recover faster and perform better.
Don’t just take our word for it, dynamic pneumatic compression is backed by numerous studies which highlight the enhancements in athletic performance. Use Air Relax Compression Recovery through pre/intra/post and feel and witness the benefits yourself.

Float Tank
Premium Service
Floating is commonly referred to as Floatation Tank Therapy or Sensory Deprivation. It involves lying in a pod that contains a highly concentrated Epsom salt solution (600kg of magnesium sulphate) which creates the buoyancy for you to float effortlessly. The water is heated to skin temperature so after a while the sensation of your body dissolves and you feel weightless.
The pod is both sound and light proof which gives your brain the chance to disconnect from the constant bombardment of sensory input and enhance your ability to be cognitive, mindful and introspective. The Epsom salt solution contains essential minerals that leave you feeling deeply relaxed and vibrant as the tension in your body melts away. There is simply no other technology or environment that can stimulate these evolutionary effects.

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Originally developed by a Japanese doctor to treat patients with arthritis, cryotherapy exposes the skin to subzero temperatures for three minutes. That exposure causes blood to leave the extremities and move into the core, where it is cleaned, oxygenated, and nutrient enriched.
When the session is finished, your circulatory system is what we like to call ‘super charged,’ with blood moving through the body at a much faster rate. This helps reduce inflammation and pain, decrease recovery time between workouts, and it releases endorphins for a big energy boost.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg (pun intended). Other perks include improved sleep, increased collagen production, and increased calorie burn (in the 400 to 800 range) that can last up to six hours post freeze.

InBody Full Body Composition Scan
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At STAR we offer a complete athlete assessment using the InBody 570. The InBody 570 goes beyond traditional body composition analysis, measuring fat, muscle, and total body water. Total body water data can be divided into intracellular water and extracellular water, values important for understanding a user’s fluid distribution in medical, wellness and fitness contexts.