Anyone who exercises is familiar with DOMS – or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It’s that achy feeling you get in your muscles around 24–72 hours after a workout. And while it can definitely be a bit of an inconvenience, having DOMS is actually a good thing – it’s an indicator that you’ve trained well, and are getting fitter and stronger. While there’s no real way to prevent or “cure” DOMS, there are some ways you can reduce and relieve the pain.
Stay Hydrated
A lack of electrolytes can contribute to muscle soreness. Your body uses (and loses) a lot of water when exercising – ward off dehydration by ensuring you drink water while exercising, or having an electrolyte drink when cooling down.
Sleep Well
Adequate sleep is a powerful tool for relieving DOMS. Sleep is a regenerative process where your body can restore and rebuild itself. Aiming for 8 or more hours of sleep can give your body the time it needs to properly rest and recover, and can help alleviate DOMS.
Active Recovery
Active recovery days can be very beneficial in improving your DOMS. Light exercises and stretches to get the blood flowing can help relieve any soreness or tightness. Some exercises you could do include going for a walk or doing yoga. It’s important to note however that overdoing it can result in extreme soreness or burnout – listen to your body on your rest days; if you feel too tired, don’t push yourself and allow your body a day off. For more information on active recovery, check out this blog post.
Foam Rolling
Foam rolling can help to relieve tension in the muscle’s connective tissue, and research shows that using a foam roller can help reduce DOMS. Invest in a foam roller yourself or come in to STAR to use our wide range of rollers and other recovery tools we have on hand to help relieve your DOMS.