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Why The Shoulder Is So Injury-Prone And Tips to Avoid Shoulder Injury

Writer's picture: Ted BrittTed Britt

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

The shoulder joint is a very unique one – it’s the joint with the largest range of motion in your body, but it also has the least stability. These two variables put together make the shoulder more prone to injury than other joints, which is why we think shoulder mobility and prehab exercises are a must for anyone that’s active, from casual gym-goers to elite athletes.

The unique and complex anatomy of the shoulder makes it much more susceptible to injury than any other joint in the body. Building stability and range of motion in your shoulder can greatly help minimise the possibility of seeing an injury any time soon.

A lot of sports, from weightlifting all the way to rowing, dancing and cricket, along with just about everything in between, involves a lot of repetitive motions within the shoulder such as throwing a ball or lifting a weight overhead. When these motions are performed repetitively, it puts the shoulder under a lot of stress and increases wear and tear of the joint.

Technique is a major key to minimising the risk of injuring your shoulder. However, ensuring each muscle in the shoulder is engaged properly is much easier said than done. This is where prehab and mobility training come into play.

Prehab Exercises

There are some excellent shoulder prehab exercises outlined by Set For Set here. This is a fantastic place to start if you’re new to resistance bands. Or, if you see a physiotherapist you can ask them to recommend some exercises for you.

One of the main things to remember when it comes to prehab exercises is that reps are more important than the level of resistance – you’re trying to improve stability through small movements with light resistance and maximum reps. If a movement begins to feel too easy after 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps, you can then think about moving to a slightly heavier band.

Mobility Exercises

Take a look here for some basic shoulder mobility exercises and stretches. Mobility is just as important as building stability for your shoulder health – improving your active range of motion can assist in minimising injury and decreasing any muscle soreness.

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